Blue Springs Enrichment

2025-2026 Classes

For more specific class/grade questions, please contact our Leadership Team by emailing: [email protected] 

1st & 2nd Grade


Day of the Week:   Monday  in person classes         
Time:   9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Maximum accepted:   12
Tuition Fee:     $125     includes books
Class Description:
BSE’s purpose is to provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create opportunities for students to fellowship while developing strong Christian ethics and moral values. Students are instructed through a variety of subjects such as math, science, social studies, Bible, art and PE.
Early Elementary U.S. History 1st Pd.
Let's Talk Science 2nd Pd.
Cooks with Books (Fall) & Learn 'n Grow (Spring) 3rd Pd.
Bible – Learning God’s Story 4th Pd.

Tests, Assignments, & Grades:  Not applicable

Student Responsibilities:  Students are expected to participate in class with minimal disruption to the learning process and treat others and campus property with respect.
3rd & 4th Grade


Day of the Week:   Monday  in person classes         
Time:   9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Maximum accepted:   12

Tuition Fee:     $135     Includes books

Class Description:
BSE’s purpose is to provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create opportunities for students to fellowship while developing strong Christian ethics and moral values. Students are instructed through a variety of subjects such as math, science, social studies, Bible, art and PE.
Geography - Exploring Countries and Cultures 1st Pd.
Opinion Writing (Fall Semester) & Bug Science (Spring Semester) 2nd Pd.
Critical Thinking 3rd Pd.
U.S. History (1898-1945) 4th Pd.
Tests, Assignments, & Grades:  Not applicable
Student Responsibilities:  Students are expected to participate in class with minimal disruption to the learning process and treat others and campus property with respect.
5th & 6th Grade


Day of the Week:   Monday  in person classes         
Time:  9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Maximum accepted:   20

Tuition Fee:     $150     Includes books

Class Description:
BSE’s purpose is to provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create opportunities for students to fellowship while developing strong Christian ethics and moral values. Students are instructed through a variety of subjects such as math, science, social studies, Bible, art and PE.
Geography: Explore the Classical World 1st Pd.
Art 2nd Pd.
U.S. History 3rd Pd. 
Science 4th Pd.
Tests, Assignments, & Grades:  No formal tests or grades are given. Students will complete assignments in class. Homework will consist mainly of reading but may also include additional worksheets and/or projects. 
Student Responsibilities:  Students are expected to participate in class with minimal disruption to the learning process and treat others and campus property with respect.
High School (7th - 12th)


Day of the Week:   Monday  in person classes         
Time:   9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Tuition Fee:     $35/per class   Expenses related to classroom activities. *Student books are not included. Parents are responsible for providing textbooks/workbooks and any additional materials requested by the teacher. 
Class Description:
BSE’s purpose is to provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create opportunities for students to fellowship while developing strong Christian ethics and moral values. Students are instructed through a variety of subjects such as math, science with labs, social studies, Bible, art and PE. Students can earn volunteer hours and participate in activities that help develop the skills they need for the next step – college or career. Some courses offer high school credit.
Tests, Assignments, & Grades: Tests and quizzes may be given in class. Students are expected to complete in-class assignments. Homework and projects may be issued and will be expected to be handed in on time – particularly if a credit is to be issued. 10-point grading scale.
Student Responsibilities: Students are responsible for being fully prepared each week for class (attendance, supplies, homework, and attitude). Students are expected to participate in class with minimal disruption to the learning process and treat others and campus property with respect.
*Primary Pathways (K3 - Kindergarten)
Day of the Week:   Monday  in person classes   
Time:   9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Tuition Fee:     $75  Includes books      *This class is reserved for the siblings of students enrolled in 1st grade or higher. 
Class Description:
BSE’s purpose is to provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create opportunities for students to fellowship while developing strong Christian ethics and moral values. Students are instructed through a variety of subjects such as math, science, social studies, Bible, art and PE.
Tests, Assignments, & Grades:  No formal tests or grades are given. Students will complete assignments in class. Homework will consist mainly of reading but may also include additional worksheets and/or projects. 
Student Responsibilities:  Students are expected to participate in class with minimal disruption to the learning process and treat others and campus property with respect.




Tuition Fee:     $40    *This class is reserved for the siblings of students enrolled in 1st grade or higher.